Bruno Munari
Bruno Munari
Author | Aldo Tanchis |
Publisher | Corraini Edizioni |
ISBN | 9791254931011 |
Idea Code | 24256 |
While it is true that everyone knows a different Munari, Aldo Tanchis's essay sets out to outline the poetics underlying the entire activity of Bruno Munari, a unique and multifaceted character, bringing together the three classic distinctions of "Munari-artist," "Munari-designer" and "Munari-pedagogist." Tanchis, a researcher, writer and screenwriter, starts from the artist as a child, from his life in the Venetian countryside, an enormous reservoir of natural suggestions that would always animate all his production, and recounts his artistic production as an activity at the service of life and closely connected to it.
144 p, ills colour & bw, 23 x 28 cm, hb, English |
Corraini Edizioni