Tallinn Architecture 1900 - 2020 Architecture Guide
Author | Karin Hallas-Murula |
Publisher | Eesti Arhitektuurimuuseum |
ISBN | 9789949726257 |
Idea Code | 20419 |
Over the last decade, the look of the Estonian capital has been radically transformed. Part of this change is due to the emergence of new urban areas and a complete shift in perspective on historic neighbourhoods. Rather than focusing only on new buildings or competitively rating their aesthetic worth, this architecture guide selects works based on sustainability and technological modernism. Attention is paid to new buildings that adapt to the historical and environmental context, while typical and representative buildings are also pointed out in a broad cross-section of Estonian architectural culture. For this reason, examples of Stalinist and later Soviet architecture also appear.
176 p, ills colour & bw, 16 x 24 cm, pb, English |