Israel Ariño - On nous a dit qu'il n'y avait rien et nous sommes allés le chercher
Israel Ariño - On nous a dit qu'il n'y avait rien et nous sommes allés le chercher
Author | Irma Estrada |
Publisher | Ediciones Anómalas |
ISBN | 9788409447909 |
Idea Code | 22731 |
This book is the result of the collaboration between photographer Israel Ariño and anthropologist, Irma Estrada. Their complementary perspectives drove this photographic project set in the region of Amiens in Northern France, where they spent three periods of several weeks together. Developed in two movements, through the action of walking, and of the continuous interrogation to strike up a dialogue about possible realities, Ariño and Estrada also found a connection with the people of the region and a realisation of how much they all had in common. Ariño’s bold black and white images document their time there, while Estrada offers insights into their process and shared experience.
144 p, ills bw, 24 x 31 cm, hb, French/Spanish/English |
Ediciones Anómalas