Trevor Paglen Adversarially Evolved Hallucinations
Author | Trevor Paglen |
Publisher | Sternberg Press |
ISBN | 9783956795831 |
Idea Code | 24339 |
How do machines look at images? To ask such a question is to observe the degree to which images today are increasingly produced by machines for machines. Taking Trevor Paglen's series “Adversarially Evolved Hallucinations” as a starting point for an analysis of this and other questions, this volume explores the role of algorithms and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in these processes. More specifically, it examines Paglen's research methods and the extent to which they encourage the viewer to think from within such apparatuses rather than merely reflect upon them. Can, we will ask, the black-box-like technologies that produce such images be negotiated with or, indeed, modulated by methods of envisioning/engaging with their operative logic? How can we, if at all, hold the post-digital, machine-produced image to account?
168 p, ills colour & bw, 11 x 17 cm, pb, English |
Sternberg Press