Michael Etzensperger - Masken
Michael Etzensperger - Masken
Author | Kay Heymer |
Publisher | Cpress |
ISBN | 9783952471036 |
Idea Code | 18373 |
Michael Etzensperger draws our attention to the impact that images of traditional masks from non-Western cultures had on the early modernists, by using images of masks collected from a variety of anthropological and other publications as starting points for new composites. By superimposing two masks, they merge and disrupt their initial representations, making them elusive – lines multiply, colours blend, hairstyles become more complex, faces are altered. For many ethnic groups, the mask is part of a ritual for entering into contact with a higher world, and subsumes the wearer’s identity. Etzensperger breathes new life into these frozen objects, changing their form.
64 p, ills colour & bw, 21 x 32 cm, hb, English |