1,2,3... Couleur! L'Autochrome exposée
1,2,3... Couleur! L'Autochrome exposée
Author | Q. Bajac; S. Audoaurd e.a. |
Publisher | Jeu De Paume |
ISBN | 9782915704952 |
Idea Code | 22749 |
Status | out of print |
Symbolizing the arrival of color in photography, the autochrome constitutes one of the great revolutions in the history of the medium. Appeared in 1907 and following a great craze, it gradually fell into a long period of oblivion from which a few historians and collectors, who knew how to appreciate the finesse and sensuality, gradually draw it. Accompanying the exhibition at the Château de Tours, this album is a contribution to this history in progress, in the hope that they will allow to sensitize the public to this so particular poetry of the autochrome. It crosses two collections: on the one hand, the AN collection, gathered since 2006 by the collectors Soizic Audouard and Élisabeth Nora, and on the other hand the fascinating collection of autochromes from the First World War housed by the Médiathèque de la photographie et du patrimoine.
48 p, ills colour, 22 x 31 cm, pb, French/English |
Jeu De Paume